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Sunday, July 19, 2009

How does one feel when he has a boil?

How does one feel when he has a boil
Burning sensation in the stomach, or pain in the belly show us that something is starting to happen in the digestion system. There may also be heartburn, delay of stool and winds. At duodenum boil pain occurs approximately 2 hours after meals and in the gastric boil about 45 minutes after meals. When such symptoms occur it is important to pay attention to the emergence of black stools or blood in vomit or vomiting the contents of a black color.

These symptoms may indicate complication of the disease. Apart from bleeding in the digestion system, as complications can occur a perforation (rupture) of boil or penetration (in the form of perforation when the ulcer penetrates toward the neighboring organ).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Clean hands, healthy stomach

Clean hands, no ulcer
Spring is the season when usually an ulcer occurs. It was always known that these diseases are associated with acid, and the saying of Karl Svarc "no acid no ulcus" (no acid, no ulcer) recently has been the basis for understanding and investigating the boil.
Stomach ulcer, known as a boil or ulcer, is a wound on mucosa of these organs.

Bacteria - the main culprit

As it is known that boil belongs to a group of diseases related to acid secretion, doctors prescribe therapy that prevents the acid secretion.

- However, today we know that this is not enough. In about 90 percent of cases of boil on duodenum (duodenal ulcer) and about 70 percent of boil in the stomach (gastric ulcer) a bacteria is a cause: Helicobacter pylori - explains our interlocutor. It is interesting that with these bacteria about half of humanity is infected, and that the ulcer will get about 10 percent of the people.
As pointed out by prof. Milinic, doctors prefer that the patient with ulcer has Helicobacter pylori in the stomach also:
- If you destroy the bacteria, the risk of its re-entry into the organism will be reduced five to ten times, and the possibility of re-occurring of the boil is multiple times reduced.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Honey against stomach boils (ulcer)

Honey against ulcer
Not every type of honey, and not from every meadow, but the specific varieties of honey that can be found in our area, not only in New Zealand, are excellent in combating the germs that cause boils. Writing for the Canadian newspaper Medical Post, Dr. Basil J.S. Grogono claims that modest bees may do more for those who suffer from peptic boil than the doctors could over the past decades in which too often they reached for drastic surgical procedures.
He writes that more and more experts understands the role that tiny microorganism, Helicobacter pylori, plays at peptic ulcers. Although some recommended the use of drugs for the suppression of the germs, Grogono says that these drugs have nasty side effects and that the germs can develop resistance to them. On the other hand, he quotes the recent study published in the publication Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine in which they tested antibacterial attributes of honey. One type, which the New Zealand bees produces nourished by plant by the name of manuka (Leptospermum ericoid), was effective in the fight against germs that cause ulcer.
A local chestnut honey has similar effect. Besides an intensive odor and a slightly bitter taste, it offers a healing effect of stomach ulcer, liver disease, varicose and disorders of blood circulation. Tests have shown that other types of honey have a preventive and curative effect on man. Honey of course should be taken daily.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Olive oil against the stomach ulcer

Olive against ulcer

Olive oil is not only great for the heart, but also for the stomach.
This Spanish study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that extra-virgin olive oil not only can prevent the formation, but can also cure infections caused by bacteria Heliobacter pylori, which annually causes millions of cases of gastritis and development of peptic ulcer (boil).
Olive oil is unique by its composition and is one of the few edible oils with such a high proportion of polifenol ingredients, however, unlike some other foods ( wine, green tea, cranberry juice ...) that inhibit the growth of H. pylori, until now such antibacterial properties with olive oil have not been questioned.
Preliminary results of laboratory tests showed that the antioxidant or polifenole components of olive oils act effectively (antibacterial) against some bacteria H. pylori, even in strongly acid conditions of gastric juice. More precisely, olive oil has an antibacterial effect on eight sorts of H. pylori, from which the three are resistant to the effect of antibiotics. These results open the possibility that the extra-virgin olive oil could be used as a chemo protective mean in the treatment of ulcer, and even stomach cancer, but its bio activity should be more confirmed in the future in the terms "in vivo", in human clinical studies, the researchers said. If further studies also confirm the results, the introduction of olive oil in the diet could help in treatment and prevention of the formation of stomach ulcer.
Regardless of the results of future studies, the healing power of olive oil is indisputable. Attractive and unique flavor of olive oil is unavoidable in all the dishes of Mediterranean climate and the mineral substances have preventive effects against development of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, some types of cancer, bile stones, which are more than sufficient reasons to include it frequently to our daily diet. And especially the local, cold compressed!

Grapefruit treats an ulcer

Grapefruit treats an ulcer
People who have an ulcer probably think that they should not consume grapefruit because of its acidity. However, a new study conducted in Poland showed just the opposite. Grapefruit extract helps in treating stomach ulcer because of the anti oxidative effect, whereby oxidative stress of the stomach mucosa is reduced, and in combination with other therapies has particularly beneficial effects.

It was shown that, with laboratory Mouse that have been treated with 10 milligram of grapefruit extract per kilogram of body mass, it reduced normal gastric acid secretion for 50%, which is the main cause of stomach ulcer, and the reduction of ulcer size was evident also. Scientists stressed that grapefruit increases the blood flow in areas affected by ulcer.